Work, training and professions
With regard to professions involving human interaction and/or certain living professions in contact with animals or plants (education, health, sport, social work, agriculture, etc.), this area explores work as both a system of constraints, sometimes a source of suffering, and a place, among the most important, for social existence and self-fulfillment.
A complex object to grasp, work today encompasses technical, organizational, human and ethical aspects, as well as powerful issues of identity. To analyze work, we give a central position both to the action endowed with meaning, to the intentionality and interpretations of workers thought of as intelligent, creative, social and autonomous actors, and at the same time to the context in which this action takes place, which provides resources and also defines constraints. The axis studies the activity of professionals at work or in training, as well as the activity of training beneficiaries. These "professions addressed to others" require both technical skills and communicative and relational skills, which are articulated in action but remain partly implicit, invisible and opaque to observers and to the actors themselves. This axis also studies the place and nature of knowledge in training, and the way in which trainees develop their practices and/or construct knowledge and re-mobilize it in practice. To tackle these complex issues, we combine anthropological, activity analysis, sociological and psychological approaches. From a methodological point of view, the corpuses analyzed in these studies are complex, firstly because they combine data of different kinds (videos, interviews, actors' productions, questionnaires), and secondly because they are often very substantial. This line of research is also aimed at renewing the relationship between the aims of knowledge and the aims of transformation in the organization of work and training. From a sociological perspective, our aim is to understand the dynamics of actors (individual-collective) in a work situation, and their interactions with the institutional, organizational and human environment. From an ergonomic perspective, we aim to contribute to the design of vocational training courses based on the analysis of real activity, in particular by building simulation situations to develop an approach to learning situations and not just learning knowledge.
To this end, the axis develops three main aims:
- The first aim is to understandwork byanalyzing it both from the point of view of the prescription, i.e. what needs to be done, and from the point of view of actual activity, i.e. what people actually do to meet the prescription. Our starting point is the observation, based on numerous ergonomic studies, that there is a permanent and inescapable gap between the prescribed task and the actual activity, revealing the full complexity of work. Work activity, which can never be reduced to the application of instructions or pre-established rules, always goes beyond the task.
- The second aim is to understandlearning-development from and at work, byanalyzing vocational training activities (those of trainees and trainers) in a variety of contexts designed to be closely linked to work situations (field situations, analysis of practices, simulation, video-training, serious-game, "innovative" situations, etc.). The aim is to establish how the acquisitions and appropriations made in these professional training situations are sources of inspiration, creation and new learning in real work situations. The conditions of professional development are studied in particular through the apprehension-comprehension of processes of mimetic immersion, reflexivity inquiry and cooperation. Professional development is understood in terms of becoming, processes and the actor-environment-other relationship, through analysis of transformations in work and/or training activity. The results of these studies contribute to a technological program aimed at designing, validating, modifying and enhancing existing or new training environments.
- The third aim is to understandthe professionalities under construction(beginners), built up or evolving, byfocusing on the intersecting discourses of the actors on their work, the situations they experience, the contexts of intervention and their logics (actor-system). To speak of professionalism is to consider both the acquisition/stabilization of the professional skills needed to exercise one's profession, and the singular, partly shared way of "being-in-the-business", which mobilizes a strong dimension of identity. In fact, this approach takes into account the dynamics of professional identities and the stakes of recognition that contribute, individually and within collectives, to the meaning given to action.
- ACSADOM. Supporting home healthcare in Occitanie's regions through training(2022-2024). Scientific leaders: Philippe Gabriel and Elodie Roebroeck. This Research & Development project between LIRDEF and partner FORMADIA is supported by the Occitanie Region under the Call for Research and Society(s) 2021 projects (€111,480 over two years). The ACSADOM project aims to develop training engineering adapted to the problem of digitizing training in territories in crisis. Researchers involved : P. Gabriel (MCF, 70th), E. Roebroeck (MCF, 70th), S. Labbé (MCF, 70th, UMR EFTS researchers) and N. Gaudefroy (Study engineer, University of Montpellier-LIRDEF).
- INTERPROPART. Interprofessionalities and partnerships: new practices in initial training (2019-2022). Scientific leaders: T. Perez-Roux and E. Maleyrot. Two fields will be investigated: teacher training and health training. Double funding: a) research collaboration contract with IFMK Montpellier (11160€ over 3 years). Researchers involved: T. Perez-Roux (PU, 70th) and E. Maleyrot (MCF 70th), C. Avenel (PhD 70th, LIRDEF associate), Anne Piloti (EMA PhD, U. Cergy-Pontoise) and Delphine Guyer (PhD, CIRNEF, U. Rouen); b) INSPE-LR research (7200€ over 2 years): E. Maleyrot and T. Perez-Roux (LIRDEF, axe TFP) F. Torterat, D. Cross et V. Munier, C. Blanvillain, C. Dupuy (LIRDEF, SPD axis), M. Guedj (LIRDEF, EPS axis), and N. Auger (LHUMAIN).
- OPTIMATTPRO. Analysis of learning activity in a simulated and real training environment: the case of driving a 1 or 4 horse carriage.Scientific leader: SergeLeblanc(PR, 70th); Researchers involved: GuillaumeAzéma(MCF, 70th), Pierre Imbert (MCF, 74th), ThérèsePerez-Roux, Mélanie Sécheppet (PhD, 70th, LIRDEF associate). Early 2016. End of 2019. Funding of a doctoral scholarship by the Institut Français du Cheval et de l'Equitation. Research agreement n°2016-19-004. Ifce-Université de Montpellier "Optimattpro" project: 146400 euros.
- FARTEQ: Accompagnement à la professionnalisation des artistes équestres: Formation ARtistes EQuestres.Scientific leader: T. Perez-Roux. Researchers involved: Guillaume Azema (MCF, 70th). Eric Maleyrot (MCF 70th), Sylvie Perez (74th), Mélanie Secheppet (Doctor, 70th, LIRDEF associate), Anne-Marie Mottaz (Doctor, 70th, LIRDEF associate), Sarah Anor and Yves Sabatier (IGE) (Dec 2017- Sept 2022). European LEADER project, financed by the FEADER (European AgriculturalAgricultural Fund for Rural Development) and led by the Institut Français du Cheval et de l'Equitation (IFCE). Funding 64700 €.
- IPRADEJU. Professional identity and relationship to activity of judo teachers in France. Scientific director: ThérèsePerez-Roux(PR, 70th); Researchers involved: FlorenceCassignol(MCF 16th), JacquelinePapet(MCF 16th), PhilippeGabriel(MCF 70th), Sylvie Perez (MCF 74th), CélineAvenel(docteure 70th), Valérie Bazin (UFR STAPS Toulouse, PRAG). Start date: January 2015. End: March 2019. Funding Fédération Français de Judo et Disciplines Associées (FFJDA): 12300 euros.
- REMKAF. Reengineering of Studies in Physical Therapy and the impact of the 2015 reform on the Training Activity: tensions, transactions, evolutions. Scientific coordinator: Thérèse Perez-Roux(PR, 70ème); Researchers involved: EricMaleyrot(MCF 70th), Charlotte Pourcelot (ATER 70th), PierreHébrard(associate researcher), DavidCross(MCF, LIRDEF-ERES, 70th), ValérieMunier(HDR, LIRDEF-Eres, 28th), FrédéricTorterat(PR, LIRDEF-Alfa, 7th), Nathalie Auger (PR, PRAXILING, 7th), Anne Piloti (PhD 70th, EMA laboratory, Cergy), master 2 students (8). Start date: January 2016. Scheduled to end in 2019. Double funding: Service contract (LIRDEF-Institut de formation en Masso-Kinesithérapie Montpellier); ESPE Languedoc-Roussillon research project funding: 17710 euros.
- ATTRAD. Research-action on the conservation and transmission of knowledge and know-how in traditional horse-drawn carriage driving. Scientific leader: Serge Leblanc (PR, 70th); Researchers involved: Guillaume Azéma (MCF 70th), Mélanie Sécheppet (PhD student). Start Dec. 2018. Expected completion Dec. 2019. Ifce funding: 9520 euros
- STRADIV. Approche Système pour la TRAnsition vers des agroécosystèmes bioDIVersifiés (from process analysis to multi-scale system design with stakeholders) as part of Work Pacage 4/5, devoted to the co-design of innovative systems mobilizing biodiversity. Study of farmers' indicators for the co-design of sustainable cropping systems. CIRAD partnership, UMR SYSTEM & LIRDEF. Scientific leaders: Clémentine Allinne (CIRAD/CATIE researcher, UMR SYSTEM based in Nicaragua), Guillaume Azéma (LIRDEF researcher, Montpellier), Bernard Triomphe (CIRAD-IICA researcher, based in Mexico), Serge Leblanc (LIRDEF researcher, Montpellier), Eric Justes (CIRAD researcher, UMR SYSTEM, Montpellier), Lucie Durand (Master2). Funded by CIRAD, UMR SYSTEM.
- CONFOR PU. CONcevoir une FORmation Pédagogique à l'Université. Scientific coordinators: Agnès Perrin-Doucey, Guillaume Azéma (Researcher LIRDEF, Montpellier), Serge Leblanc (Researcher LIRDEF, Montpellier) Alain Jean (Researcher LIRDEF, Montpellier), Brigitte Louichon (Researcher LIRDEF, Montpellier), Manuel Bächtold (Researcher LIRDEF, Montpellier), Yves Soulé (Researcher LIRDEF, Montpellier). Vanessa Clamy-Sebag (master student, Université de Montpellier FDE), Anne Watkins (master student, Université de Montpellier FDE), Claire Ganglof (master student, Université de Montpellier FDE). End 2019. Funding MUSE CSIP, 9973 euros.
- RCME. Recherches Collaboratives et Militantisme en Education. Scientific director: Frédéric Torterat; EC and collaborators involved: Brahim Azaoui, Clément Barniaudy, Christine Boutevin, Sophie Dévot, Catherine Dupuy, Frédérique Prot, Olivier Griffith and Geneviève Zoïa, with partnerships with IRTS, CEPEL and LISEC. Funding 12500 euros (UM-IRTS-MSH).
- TALC. Du Texte A La Classe (2017-2020). Coordinator: B. Louichon (PR 9). Participants: S. Leblanc (PR 70), F. Torterat (PR 7), S. Bazile (MCF 9), C. Boutevin (MCF 9), C. Dupuy (MCF, 7), A. Gennaï (MCF 9), A. Perrin-Doucey (MCF 9), P. Richard-Principalli (MCF 9), Y. Soulé (MCF 7), M. Eugène (doctoral student), H. Raux (doctoral student), Y. Daumet (doctoral student), S. Genre (associate researcher, Doctor 7). Funding (2017): UM = 12320 = FDE = 500 + Univ. GA= 1100 = Univ. Rennes 2= 1350) + Funding (requested for 2019): ESPE LR = 3919 € + UM = 7510 + FDE = 2880). Total = 29579 €.
- FORMSCIENCES (2014-18). This project aims to evaluate the impact of training in inquiry-based science teaching, aimed at elementary school teachers, on teachers' practices and, ultimately, on pupils' learning and their taste for science. ANR funding (total amount: 645,000 euros - coordinator Marc Gurgand, "qualitative evaluation" part, coordinated by LIRDEF: 176,000 euros). LIRDEF participants: Manuel Bachtold, Aurélie Chesnais, David Cross, Karine Molvinger, Valérie Munier.
- ANADEPEM. ANalyse de l'Activité et Développement Professionnel des Enseignants des Ecoles Maternelles. Scientific leaders: Hélène Marquié-Dubié, MC Psychology and Sandrine Bazile, MC French Language and Literature. Start: September 2016, end: June 2019. Researchers involved: Marie Chartier, (MCF 19° section Sociologie, CRESEM- EA 7397, UPVD), Gabriel Mouahid, MCF HDR, 67° section Chercheur associé au laboratoire " Interactions Hôtes Parasites Environnements " UMR 5244 UPVD-CNR, UPVD. The particularity of this project is to articulate activity analysis, discourse analysis and didactic analysis around the professionalization of teachers. ESPE funding: 6400 euros.
- RECH IFSI RELEVE. Action research. Analysis of nurses' and orderlies' activities during hospital shifts. Scientific director Alain Jean. Associate researcher Dominique Ghinamo (LIRDEF 70th section doctoral student) + Team of health care managers at the IFSI in Sète. Duration: 2 years. OPCA funding 1000€.
- RECH IFSI SUIVI. Action research. Design of a trainer training system for student follow-up interviews based on activity analysis. Professional didactic approach. Scientific leader: Alain Jean. Associate researcher Joaquim Roméro (LIRDEF 70th section doctoral student) + team of health care managers training at IFSI Marie Françoise Collière Béziers. Duration 2 years. OPCA financing 1000€.
- DED CP-CE1. Research-action within the framework of the research, innovation and training groups (GRIF). What kind of activity do teachers engage in in double-shift classrooms with co-teaching in the same room? Scientific leader: Alain Jean. Associate researchers Sandrine Laux, Brigitte Carayon and Françoise Morel (ESPE trainers). Funding Faculty of Education: 50 HTD.
- PHC OSMOSE. Research program on digital distribution in Latvia and France: from intentions to practices. Scientific director: Philippe Gabriel. Duration: 24 months. Partnership with the University of Latvia (Latvia, Riga). Funding: 2760 euros.
- ABANPERSEV. Exploratory research into the complex factors that determine the abandonment or renunciation of the competitive entrance examination for teachers and CPEs. Scientific leader: Richard Étienne (Researcher LIRDEF, Montpellier), researchers: Richard Étienne (Researcher LIRDEF, Montpellier) and Céline Avenel (Associate Researcher LIRDEF). Budget: 1,200 euros from Université Paul Valéry Montpellier, 1,000 euros (scientific association AREF2013) and 2,000 euros from Fonds MAIF pour l'éducation (pending).
- Equal opportunities in higher education, a two-year Franco-Russian research project (Fondation des Maisons des Sciences de l'Homme). Scientific leaders: Richard Étienne (Researcher LIRDEF, Montpellier) for the French part, and Vladimir Myasnikov for the Russian part (Institute of Educational Development Strategy, Russian Academy of Education). Collaborative analysis of problems relating to equal opportunities in education in France and Russia at higher education level. Project submitted on October 29, 2018 (grant application for 5,000 euros, other funding in progress).
- Changes to school governance: impacts on the task of headteachers in France. Franco-Quebec project submitted to the Commission permanente de coopération franco-québécoise (CPCFQ) on October 11, 2018. Scientific leaders: France Gravelle (Professor in education management at Université du Québec à Montréal) and Richard Étienne (LIRDEF researcher). Project co-signed by two partners: the SNPDEN-UNSA, France's leading union of school principals, and the associationÉducation& Devenir, whichbrings together a large number of management staff concerned with equality in welcoming and teaching pupils. Estimated budget of 25,000 euros over two years (2019 and 2020), entirely financed by the CPCFQ.
- PREXFEEM. Projet EXpérimental de Formation des Enseignants en Ecole Maternelle - known as the "MAS BRESSON" project. Scientific leaders: Hélène Marquié-Dubié, MC Psychology and Sandrine Bazile, MC French Language and Literature. Associated universities (partnership in the process of being finalized): University of Vic (Spain) and Florence (Italy). Start January 2019 - end June 2022. Experimental training in kindergarten consisting in welcoming teachers with their pupils in spaces designed to enable them to experience a different pedagogical approach. The experiment is led by DSDEN 66 (S. Sicard, IEN mission Maternelle) with the collaboration of the Early Childhood services of Perpignan town council in particular. Funding for the research part is currently being worked out.
- IDEFI UM3D (Initiative D'Excellence en Formations Innovantes 3D (Determination, Diversification, Difference) is a PIA2 award-winning project launched in 2012 and ending in 2018. Project leader: Paul Valéry University in partnership with the University of Nîmes and the Montpellier Faculty of Science. Analysis of students' success in their 1st year at university in relation to their motivational profiles. Jacqueline Paquiot-Papet (Researcher-LIRDEF), Florence Cassignol-Bertrand (Researcher LIRDEF or LEPSA), Frédéric Lemoigno (Researcher ICGM and Faculty of Sciences), Christophe Crambes (Researcher IMM).
Pre-existing and contributing seminars
- Transdisciplinarity and multi-level research in education and training. Theoretical and methodological issues
- ViSA Days 2017
- Seminar on April 15, 2022 (reserved access)
- Seminar on December 17, 2021: professional skills, social work, digital technology and gender (restricted access)
- November 26, 2021 seminar: Clinical approaches to inclusion and more(reserved access)
- Seminar on October 8, 2021: Genealogy of inclusion and inclusive clinics and dynamics
- Seminar on June 19, 2021 (reserved access)
- March 12, 2021 seminar: the challenges and limits of multi-level research(reserved access)
- December 11, 2020 seminar: 2-voice interdisciplinary self-confrontation (restricted access)
Synthesis by Serge Leblanc and Thérèse Perez-Roux.