The LIRDEF is a research team under the supervision of the University of Montpellier and the University Paul Valéry Montpellier 3.
The laboratory brings together some fifty teacher-researchers and researchers, forty doctoral students, fifteen PRAG or PRCE PhD students, fifteen associate researchers and a secretary/manager.
The laboratory's research is focused on the fields of education and training. It focuses in particular on :
- teaching-learning processes (in various teaching disciplines) ;
- the activity of actors in a professional context (teachers, trainers and other actors from various professions);
- socialization, professionalization and identity-building processes;
- education for (in particular, sustainable development and responsibility);
- history of teaching (in partnership with CEDRHE);
- engineering of educational situations (video training, simulation).
The laboratory is structured around 3 axes:
LIRDEF is currently involved in several nationally or internationally funded research projects: OPTIMATTPRO (IFCE, 2015-2019), FARTEQ (IFCE, 2017-2022), AREN (e-FRAN, Inv. d'Avenir, 2016-2020) or EIEDD (ANR-FRQC, 2017-2020)...
It is a support laboratory for the ACEF (Analyses et Conception en Education et Formation, UPVM), DDS (Didactique Des Sciences, UM, Univ. Lyon 1, ENS Lyon) and 4 MEEF (Métiers de l'Enseignement, de l'Éducation et de la Formation, UM) Masters programs.