Guillaume Azéma
Position : Lecturer
Research topics
In relation to the worlds of teaching and training, I study the activity of different categories of actors (various practitioners, teacher-trainers, student-trainees, pupils) in interaction with other actors, and/or with physical or technical environments, and/or with animals (for the moment, horses). My work leads to the production of reflections and resources concerning professional (and personal) development. The notion of improvisation plays a central role. I construct and analyze my data within the framework of the enactive cultural anthropology developed by the "cours d'action" research program.
Aimed at professionals in teaching (primary and secondary), education or training, my teaching focuses on their actual work, and in particular on issues relating to teaching-learning interactions.
I am responsible for TU 03 and 06 (Research) and TU 02 and 04 (Teacher work and professional development) of the Teacher Work and Educational Relations (TERE) course - Master Métiers de l'Enseignement de l'Education et de la Formation (MEEF).
University of Montpellier
Faculty of Education2, place Marcel Godechot
BP415234092 Montpellier Cédex 5
Tel: +33 (0) 6 40 14 48 26
& +33 (0) 04 67 61 83 03