Education, politics, society
This axis examines the education of the subject in its singularity, but also in its different dimensions (political, historical, psychological, social, economic, etc.) in a period of ecological and political transitions that would lead our contemporary societies towards innovative, integrative, adaptive and participative models. More broadly, the cultural and societal implications of these educational issues are at the heart of this axis. These reflexive and critical studies, conducted within the framework of the complexity paradigm, focus on the relationships between educational aims and the aims of societal transformations.The specificity of the research project is based on four main directions:
The first is questions concerning, on the one hand, the subject taken as a whole, its cognitive, affective, ethical, aesthetic, digital and social dimensions, and, on the other hand, the educational dimension attached to it, from a cultural, intercultural and social point of view, with a view to its emancipation in contexts of transition.
The second examines the interface between formal education (the school world) and non-formal education (museums, cultural institutions and structures). In particular, the aim is to elucidate this interface, and then to devise methods for identifying, questioning and evaluating shared skills and those specific to these two worlds.
The third aims to make the contributions of educational research on the aims and challenges of public policies at different spatial and temporal scales intelligible and legible, by examining the articulation of the global and the local in their reciprocal tensions, as well as the historical and geographical orientations linked to these policies, for a better understanding of institutional educational systems.
The fourth aims to redefine, in these contexts, from a critical perspective, the research work that focuses on the tensions that surround more specifically the issues of combating inequality, inclusion processes or emancipation projects.
Axis questions
The construction of the social and societal subject
- Educations for", "educations other" and disciplines (school and academic), as levers for the emancipation of the subject.
- Values as a pivotal factor in personal development and in the construction of a social subject's identity.
- Representations, attitudes, relationships with the world and societal issues.
- Sensitive, critical and reflective approaches.
The relationship between formal and non-formal education
- Cultures and interculturality: specificities of mediation and training, tensions between meaning and explanation of content.
- Steering methods and curricular focus with transformative aims.
- Contemporary ways of producing and disseminating knowledge, including digital knowledge, in collective culture.
- Soft skills: which skills for which challenges? Which assessments for which recognition?
Goals, issues and public policies
- What's at stake, but for which public policies? What are the limits?
- The processes of democratizationversusmassification, culturalversuseconomicand so on.
- Historical and geographical perspectives and networking for alternative proposals.
- The new places and ways of circulating knowledge.
The norm, inclusion and emancipation processes
- The subversion of the norm as a matrix for critical thinking: the question of disability, gender, etc.
- Pedagogies, especially alternative ones, as a way of redefining the subject of education.
- The discourse of knowledge: between power and counter-power.
Some contributing projects
Some contributing projects
- ACSADOM: Supporting home healthcare in the regions of Occitanie through training(2022-2024). Scientific leaders: Philippe Gabriel and Elodie Roebroeck. This Research & Development project between LIRDEF and partner FORMADIA is supported by the Occitanie Region under the Call for Research and Society(s) 2021 projects (€111,480 over two years). The ACSADOM project aims to develop training engineering adapted to the problem of digitizing training in territories in crisis. Researchers involved : P. Gabriel (MCF, 70th), E. Roebroeck (MCF, 70th), S. Labbé (MCF, 70th, UMR EFTS researchers) and N. Gaudefroy (Research engineer, University of Montpellier - LIRDEF).
- OJEMIGR: L'orientation scolaire des jeunes migrants.ANR Jeunes chercheurs, led by INSHEA/GRHAPES (M. Armagnague), Partners: UM/LIRDEF , Paris 3/DILTEC, ESPE de Versailles/EMA, Paris 5/CERLIS, UPEC/LIRTES, Univ. Lorraine/2L2S, Univ. Paris Nanterre/CRESPPA, Univ. Nice-Sophia Antopolis/URMIS, Univ. Paris, Nanterre/SOPHIAPOLIS, Univ. Picardie Jules Verne/CURAPP-ESS, ESPE Guyane, 2019-2023
- EIEDD: Rapport identitaire et culturel à un territoire au service de l'engagement.ANR/FRQC, 137023 euros, portage LIRDEF, Etude, caractérisation et mise à jour des rapports à l'engagement, à la nature, au territoire et aux savoirs en vue de la durabilité de jeunes français et québécois âgés de 16 ans environ, 2017-2020.
- SIRENE: Sensibilisation à l'environnement par le Rapport à la Nature à l'Ecole.Comprendre et construire le rapport à la nature à l'école: expériences et apprentissages de la mer et du littoral dans les Aires Marines Educatives, "Les futurs du littoral et de la mer 2018" projects, Fondation de France, LIRDEF partnership, 2018-2021.
- PHC CEDRE: Eco-citizen capacity building through education for sustainable development via a Lebanese lithotheque(Janv. 2018- Dec. 2019) - French-Lebanese Hubert Curien partnerships, amount 2018 = €4950, 2018-2019.
- ECRIN: Etudes Critique et Recherches sur les Interactions formatives avec la Nature, Grandir avec la Nature, Réseau École et Nature project - seeking additional funding - LIRDEF partnership
- PELAS: Pratiques Effectives de Lecture Analytique dans le Secondaire (Effective Practices of Analytical Reading in Secondary Schools),multi-funding, partner universities/ESPE and laboratories (Toulouse, Montpellier (ESPE and FDE), Bordeaux, Lille/Arras, Cergy Pontoise/Versailles, Grenoble, Louvain), €19,250, project leader: Sylviane Ahr (UTM), partnership LIRDEF
- ACTE-Cit'In: Appropriation et Communs de la Transition Énergétique par la recherche action participative,Funding from the French Ministry of the Environment, Energy and the Sea, coordinated by GIS Démocratie et Participation: €47,029 - leader B. Bocquet (Université de Lille), LIRDEF partnership, 2018-2019
- MOCA: MOtivation - Cooperation - Learning: LéA " REP+ Vilar Grigny -" - Lieu d'Éducation Associé à l'Ifé - Financing of actions by the Rectorat de l'académie de Versailles -LIRDEF corresponding Ifé, Sept 2018 - Sept 2021
- Describing, understanding and intervening in the specific learning of lexis and literature (nursery rhymes) inkindergarten, the multimodal description of didactic situations and the impact of the multi-category professionalities of those involved on the skills of pupils in a particular educational territory (that of the Priority Urban Neighborhoods). Convention rectorat-LIRDEF beginning 2017- 2020.
- Action Langages: multimodality and literacy AAP UM project submitted by LIRDEF, 2019
- MULTIPLL Research on MULTImodality and Plurilingualism in Literature for Language TeachingESPE-LR project submitted by LIRDEF, 2019
- RCME: Collaborative research and activism in educationMSH-Sud project submitted by LIRDEF, Co-sponsors UM, Centre d'Etudes Politiques de l'Europe Latine (CEPEL) and Institut régional du travail social (IRTS) de Montpellier, Partners: Univ. de Lorraine (LISEC), Univ. Almeria (Spain), Univ. de Niš et de Belgrade(Serbia), Univ. de Sofia (Bulgaria) 2019-2020
- TALC: DuTexteALaClasse(2017-2020). This project aims to describe actual practices in literature in Cycle 3 by questioning, on the one hand, how teachers take into account the "personal training issues" explicitly assigned to literature in the most recent programs (2015) and, on the other hand, how CM and 6èmesteachers professionally grasp the same text. Funding: UM, FDE, Univ. Rennes 2, ESPE L.R. Total = €29,579. Coordinator: B. Louichon
- EAI: Education à l'image. What are the levers of image education for building an emancipated subject, and what are the psycho-social issues involved? What is the place of the sensitive in this look at images? How do the devices engage the senses and meaning? How do multiple interfaces(digital, body, game, etc.) influence the subject and its relationship to the world? The project examines the image in all its meanings.
- PHC OSMOSE: Research program on the diffusion of digital technology in higher education in Latvia and France: from intentions to practices. Scientific director and researcher involved: Philippe Gabriel. Project duration: 24 months. Funding: €2760. Partnership: University of Latvia (Latvia, Riga).
- ANR/IDEFI-UM3D-15 b-Emotional Capital, Success, Health and Well-being in1st yearat University.2012-2019, 225,274 euros. Scientific leader: Gendron. Supported by UM3D-Université Paul-Valéry.
- IPRADEJU. Professional identity and relationship to activity of judo teachers in France. A contribution more specifically related to the EPS axis concerns aspects linked to digital transformation and its impact on the one hand, and federal training policies on the other. Scientific coordinator: ThérèsePerez-Roux. Start date: January 2015. Currently being renewed. Funding Fédération Français de Judo et Disciplines Associées (FFJDA): 12,300 euros.
Contributory symposia
- "Formal education, singularity and Disability", Univ Paul-Valéry study day, March 2019.
- "Theory and practices of Care", Univ Paul-Valéry and Univ de Montpellier, November 22-23, 2018.
- "Quel(s) curriculum(a)pour les ODD?, Dialogues Nord-Sud penser l'éducation au temps de l'anthropocène", April 5-6, 2018, Faculty of Education, University of Montpellier, under the patronage of the French National Commission for UNESCO.
- "Seeing and showing war today"; Faculty of Education, University of Montpellier, FRAC, LAC, Samira Gambie Gallery, March 14-16, 2018.
Contributory seminars
- Formal education, non-formal education, education for.
- Instruments, Actors, Networks, Knowledge.
- Teaching theater and poetry today.
- Plurilingualism, norms and language socialization.
Summary prepared by Muriel Guedj and Jean-Marc Lange.