Maïté Eugène

Doctor (DS 58 - Languages, literatures, cultures, civilizations) PRAG

Research topics

  • Didactics of literature
  • Literary reading in high school
  • Thesis topic: non-reading high-school students (what are the practices of non-reading high-school students of the complete works worked on in class? How do they compensate for this non-reading? What knowledge and skills do they build/not build?)


  • Didactics of French: TU "Acquir les savoirs fondamentaux en français" (M1), and "Approfondir les savoirs fondamentaux en français" (M2 not admitted)
    " Designing (and analyzing) teaching/learning situations in French" (M2 admitted)
  • Interdisciplinary project on children's literature
  • Supervision of research dissertations (1st and 2nd degree)
  • Support for 1st and 2nd degree trainees (classroom visits)


  • Local coordinator UE1 "Acquir les savoirs fondamentaux en français" and UE25.3 "Approfondir les savoirs fondamentaux en français".
  • Coordinator of the Montpellier literature team


EmailUniversitéde Montpellier
Faculté d'EducationBureau A 329
2, place Marcel Godechot
34092 Montpellier Cédex 5Tel : +33 (0)6 85 56 51 35& +33 (0)4 67 61 82 98
