Lire, dire, écrire avec la LIttérature de jeunesse et le NUMérique et la Maîtrise de la langue et culture de l'écrit à l'école

  • Teach literature with digital technology (TBI, computers, tablets).
    Build a prototype for didactic and digital enrichment of children's literature novels, to support the teaching of literary reading, text comprehension and language mastery, and to facilitate consideration of the reader-subject.
  • Produce two demonstrators based on the novels Lemot interdit(J'aime lire Bayard) and Rêvesamers(coll. Je bouquine Bayard), which include the literary work, a detailed sequence (proposed by LIRDEF), the option of building your own sequence using activity matrices and character, event, place and time cards, a reader's notebook and a space for storing resources.
  • Field-test each demonstrator (70 classes involved) in two periods Jan.Feb. 2017, March April 2017
    The project brings together a consortium made up of:
    - manufacturers and publishers: Bic / Tralalère / Bayard
    - research laboratories: Lirdef / L3i / Les gobelins
    - institutional representatives: Académies de Créteil, Lille, Montpellier
    - Canopé Créteil
  • Intended for: Cycle 3 - links between cycles 2 and 3 (CE2 to 6ème).
  • Funding: MEN - Banque Publique d'Investissement.
  • A doctoral contract (3 years) attached to the project.

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Researchers involved

Project sponsor :Agnès Perrin-Doucey

Researchers involved:Eleonora Acerra,Sandrine Bazile, Catherine Dupuy, Philippe Gabriel, Aldo Gennaï,Brigitte Louichon, Yves Soulé.


  • In the context of literary teaching and language mastery, describe the use of digital schooling when it has been considered by didactic researchers on teachers' professional gestures.
  • Describe and analyze students' reading behavior based on a record of their school (and even extracurricular) activities.
  • Describe teachers' declared practices around the reading of a long work, based on a logbook.
  • Correlate declared practices with actual practices via the traces recorded in the demonstrator to describe didactic choices in line with recent research into the didactics of literature.


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