Career paths, professional transitions and identity construction: the subject at the heart of transformations

Edited by T. Perez-Roux, M. Deltand, C. Duchesne & J. Masdonati

Contributions by Mokhtar Kaddouri (preface), Dominique Cau-Bareille, Ghislaine Martin-Galley, Emmanuelle Leclercq, Nathalie Muller Mirza and Jean-Luc Alber, Muriel Deltand, Claire Duchesne, Nathalie Gagnon and France Gravelle, Hélène Duval, Thérèse Perez-Roux, Jonas Masdonati, Farinaz Fassa and Simon Dubois, Frédéric Deschenaux, Nathan Gurnet and Bernard Fusulier.

ISBN: 978-2-36781-322-6
328 pages
Format: 16 x 24 cm

Mutations en éducation et en formation" collection

Contemporary training and career paths are marked by increasingly complex transitions, which in turn entail sometimes laborious identity readjustments. Drawing on research conducted in Belgium, Canada, France and Switzerland, the twelve chapters in this book offer keys to understanding these paths and transitions. They pay particular attention to their effects on the construction of the identity of subjects grappling with institutional and organizational structures that channel their actions. They open up avenues of reflection and action for training and for supporting individuals in different types of transitions, be they more or less voluntary professional reconversions, entry into the job market following vocational or higher training, entry into the profession of teacher or trainer, or professional transitions arising from a migratory pathway.
This book is aimed at a wide readership interested in this theme, and more specifically at researchers who analyze these processes, as well as trainers who work with actors involved in the dynamics of change.

Detailed table of contents