Work training professionalities

Reminder of the axis project

From a sociological perspective, our aim is to understand the dynamics of actors (individual-collective) in a work situation, and their interactions with the institutional, organizational and human environment.
From an ergonomic perspective, we aim to contribute to the design of vocational training courses based on the analysis of real activity, in particular by constructing simulation situations to develop an approach to learning situations and not just learning knowledge.
To this end, the axis develops three main aims:

  • Our first aim is to understand work by analyzing it both from the point of view of the prescription, i.e. what needs to be done, and from the point of view of actual activity, i.e. what people actually do to comply with the prescription. Our starting point is the observation, based on numerous ergonomic studies, that there is a permanent and inescapable gap between the prescribed task and the actual activity, revealing the full complexity of work. Work activity, which can never be reduced to the application of instructions or pre-established rules, always goes beyond the task.
  • The second aim is to gain knowledge and understanding of learning and development at work, by analyzing vocational training activities (those of trainees and trainers) in a variety of contexts designed to be closely linked to actual work situations (field situations, analysis of practices, simulation, video-training, serious-game, "innovative" situations, etc.). The aim is to establish how the acquisitions and appropriations made in these professional training situations are sources of inspiration, creation and new learning in real work situations. The conditions of professional development are studied in particular through the apprehension-comprehension of processes of mimetic immersion, reflexivity inquiry and cooperation. Professional development is understood in terms of becoming, processes and the actor-environment-other relationship, through analysis of transformations in work and/or training activity. The results of these studies contribute to a technological program aimed at designing, validating, modifying and enhancing existing or new training environments.
  • The third aim is to understand the professionalities under construction (beginners), built up or evolving, by focusing on the intersecting discourses of actors on their work, the situations experienced, the contexts of intervention and their logics (actor-system). To speak of professionalism is to consider both the acquisition/stabilization of the professional skills needed to exercise one's profession, and the singular, partly shared way of "being-in-the-business", which mobilizes a strong dimension of identity. In fact, this approach takes into account the dynamics of professional identities and the stakes of recognition that contribute, individually and within groups, to the meaning given to action.

Programming 2020-2021

This year will see the launch of two new projects, which should result in two collective works synthesizing our debates and work within the axis:

  1. Representations, uses and practices of the self-confrontation interview
  2. Heterogeneous data articulation and cross-level issues.

2h30 session - mornings from 10am to 12:30pm and afternoons from 2pm to 4:30pm

Session 1 on 18/09/2020 afternoon
(venue to be announced in early September)

1) Presentation of the axis and round table of participants

2) Seminar operating modes: face-to-face, distance learning (all or part)

3) Understanding learning-development from and at work by analyzing activity in professional training: Co-participation on High-Fidelity simulation for midwives: Hélène Bouchot on her thesis; Valérie Courtin on trainer activity; Claudine Dos Santos with her thesis co-directors Frédéric Saujat and Serge Leblanc. Session postponed until 19/06/2020.

Session 2 on 9/10/2020 morning
(room to be announced)

Understanding professionalities under construction, constructed or evolving: an epistemological perspective

  • Conference-debate on the notion of "identity in action" by guest speaker Isabelle Vinatier Professor emeritus in educational science at the University of Nantes.

Session 3 on 20/11/2020 afternoon
(room to be announced)

Knowing-understanding work and knowing-understanding learning-development of and at work

Understanding to transform and transforming to understand in the context of technological research: the case of F.Art.Eq. Guillaume Azéma & Sylvie Perez. Postponed session scheduled for 04/3/2020

Adjustment of the schedule for the 2 "available" sessions in 2021.

Session 4 of 12/11/2020 afternoon
(room to be announced)

Knowing and understanding work

  • Representations and uses of single and cross self-confrontation interviews by members of the axis.
  • Presentation of an example of a mathematics teacher's self-confrontation with two researchers Serge Leblanc and Aurélie Chesnais: Analysis of the experience from a mathematics didactics disciplinary perspective and from an "activity" perspective. Session postponed until 05/29/2020.

Session 5 of 01/15/2021 morning
(room to be announced)

Knowing and understanding work

Seminar for young doctors and doctoral students :

1) Presentation of Mélanie Secheppet's thesis

2) Presentation of Anne-Marie Mottaz's thesis

3) Presentation of Alexandra Maurine's thesis (pending)

Session 6 of 12/02/2021 afternoon
(room to be announced)

Session 7 on 12/03/2021 morning
(room to be announced)

Understanding the professionalities under construction, built or evolving

  • Multi-level research: what can be "held together"?
  • Problems linked to the articulation of heterogeneous data and cross-level issues based on the socio-ethnographic entry of the F.Art.Eq. research (training of equestrian artists) by Tizou Perez-Roux and Eric Maleyrot

Session 8, April 9/2021 afternoon
(room to be announced)

Knowing and understanding work

Frédéric Torterat will illustrate and discuss an approach to contemporary changes in the world of work by analyzing the discourse of social actors and organizations (including institutions). The aim is to reflect on the tension between individuation and socialization that underlies the construction of professionalism (in education, social work and childcare).

Session 9, May 7/2021 morning
(room to be announced)

Knowing and understanding work

Seminar for doctoral students :

1) Presentation of Delphine Rivier's thesis (pending)

2) Presentation of Kannany Ag Hartata's thesis (pending)

3) Presentation of Pierre Cieutat's thesis (pending)

Session 10 of 05/28/2021 afternoon
(room to be announced)