Education and socialization, n° 64

The sixty-fourth issue ofEducation and socialization, Les Cahiers du CERFEEhas been published. This issue was coordinated by Céline Chauvigné, Michel Fabre and Roger Monjo. It includes a dossier, varia and reading notes. The dossier is entitled "La neutralité à l'école : entre repères, apprentissages et postures" (Neutrality at school: between benchmarks, learning and postures) and is organized in three parts:

  1. Neutrality in education: benchmarks, models, counter-models

  2. Neutrality and learning

  3. Neutrality in schools: realities, possibilities and abuses

Varia texts deal with higher education reforms in Cameroon (Bomda, Fozing and Mgbwa), skills and improvisation (Archieri) and thesis monitoring committees (Jorro and Saboya).

The reading notes include the following works:

  • Robin, J.-Y. (2022). Chefs d'établissement, le burn-out n'est pas une fatalité! Le Bord de L'eau, collection critiques éducatives. [Richard Étienne]
  • Dubois, A., Guignard, M. and GPIPC (2021). Une pédagogie pour grandir. Pédagogie institutionnelle et approche groupale. L'Harmattan, Savoir & Formation. [Magali Boutrais]
  • Saillot, E. (2020). (S')ajuster au cœur de l'activité d'enseignement-apprentissage. Construire une posture d'ajustement. L'Harmattan, collection pédagogie : crises, mémoires, repères. [Richard Étienne]

Education et socialisationn°64 is available online at