Thinking about training, professional integration and the practice of a profession

Phronesis, vol. 10, issue 4, has just been published. The publication was coordinated by J.-F. Desbiens, J. Mukamurera and T. Perez-Roux and is entitled " Thinking about training, professional integration and the practice of a profession in the context of sustainable development of human resources" . It examines the theme of sustainable development through seven contributions rooted in the fields of management, health and education. The authors examine, on the one hand, "how training improves preparation for the exercise of a profession, cultivates a sense of socially responsible management, modulates identity dynamics as well as professional reconversions" and, on the other hand, "the repercussions of a certain managerial and professional culture on the meaning given by workers to their mission, the recognition of their expertise, their job satisfaction and their attachment to the job."

In particular, Eric Maleyrot discussescorporate social responsibility as it relates to internship tutors,examining the case of the management of a masso-kinésithérapie training institute confronted with the reform of studies, and Thérèse Perez-Roux analyzesconstrained professional transitions and identity blurring within a restructuring industry,examining the case of driving instructors.

The full publication can be found at