Theories and practices of Care" seminar

The Montpellier "Théories et pratiques du care" center is organizing two days of seminars in November:- Thursday November 5: " Les formes de l'empathie: arts et langage " (" The forms of empathy: arts and language ") - Thursday November 19: "Care, emotions and learning" ("Care, émotions et apprentissages") (more information to come on this day in another e-mail soon)____________________

 Careemotions and learning

Study day with the support of the LLACS-RéSO and LIRDEF teams

Thursday, November 19, 2020

Salle des colloques 2 Saint-Charles, Université Paul-Valéry

The "Théâtre-Forum" workshop with Laurène Grangette and Françoise Morato-Lallemand has been postponed to a later date (updated 11/17/2020).

3pm - 5pmConference-debatewithDanielFavre, "Penser ce que l'on sent et sentir ce que l'on pense: Comment prendre en compte la dimension affectived dansles apprentissages?" (Thinking what you feel, feeling what you think : how to takethe affective dimension into account inlearning).

Daniel FAVRE is Honorary Professor of Education at Montpellier University's FDE and has been a teacher trainer since 1983. He was also a neurobiologist from 1975 to 1990. His research focuses on: learning non-dogmatic thinking; the interaction between emotion and cognition; the links between school failure and violence; the construction of knowledge; the status of the learner and education for responsibility. He is the author of numerous articles and books, including : Favre D. (2020),Cessons de démotiver les élèves : 18 clés pour favoriser l'apprentissage(3eDS.), Paris: Dunod; Favre D. (2016),Éduquer à l'incertitude, Paris: Dunod; Favre D. (2007),Transformer la violence des élèves. Cerveau, motivations et apprentissage, Paris: Dunod.

The conference is online:

  • Youtube: conference streaming (and then online) with access from page
  • Zoom: webinar (link available after registration by e-mail to


Contact and

Blog:; Facebook: @theoriesetpratiquesducare

Registration required for workshop (20 places)

Free admission to the conference: Face-to-face (60 places in a room with a capacity of 120) and Streaming

(link published 48 hours before the event on