Education and socialization, n° 56

The fifty-sixth issue ofEducation et socialisation, Les Cahiers du CERFEE,has been published, with its dossier, varias and reading notes.

This issue's dossier is entitled "Education(s) and Spirituality(ies): Conceptualization, problematization, applications". It was coordinated by Muriel Briançon, Florent Pasquier and Hélène Hagège.

Three varia appear in this issue:

Sandra Jourdan, Jacques Méard and Roberta Antonini Philippe: Cooperation between students in PE: between proven effects and implementation difficulties

Darya Loyola: Russian higher education after the break-up of the Soviet Union: constraints, processes and institutional changes

Brigitte Albero and Angela Barthes: The international dimension of research in education and training: academic standards, specificities and paradoxes

As well as two reading notes:

Olivier Marty: Wallenhorst, N., Pierron, J.-P. (2019). Educating in the anthropocene. Lormont, France: Le bord de l'eau.

Richard Étienne: Bucheton, D. (2020). Les gestes professionnels dans la classe - Éthique et pratiques pour les temps qui viennent. Paris: ESF sciences humaines, collection PÉDAGOGIES [references].
