The reform of health studies, between academicization and professionalization
Coordinated by T. Perez-Roux, with contributions from Céline Avenel, David Cross, Pierre Hébrard, Eric Maleyrot, Valérie Munier, Thérèse Perez-Roux, Anne Pilotti, Charlotte Pourcelot, Frédéric Torterat.
Foreword by Gilles Monceau
"La réforme des études en santé entre universitarisation et professionnalisation:Le cas des Instituts de Formation en Masso-Kinésithérapie"is the fruit of collaboration between researchers from LIRDEF (Laboratoire Interdisciplinaire de Recherche en Didactique Education et Formation, LIRDEF EA 3749) and members of the Institut de Formation en Masso-Kinésithérapie (IFMK) de Montpellier, brought together by the REMKAF project (2016-2019), a project partly funded by ESPE-LR.
The book attempts to respond to a dual challenge, both scientific and professional. On the one hand, it analyzes and reports, at different levels, on a process of transformation linked to the implementation of the reform of masso-kinésithérapie studies. On the other hand, the results of the study conducted over three years (2015-1018), offer tools for understanding the reception of the reform and the dynamics at play in training centers.
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