Thérèse Perez-Roux
Position: Professor Emeritus
Research topics
- Professional identity(ies) and relationship to the profession of those involved in teaching, education and training ;
- Professionalization, training and integration of teachers/trainers in various sectors (school, arts, sports, health)
- Study of identity dynamics in moments of desired/constrained professional transitions.
- Accompanying transitions: collaborative researcher-practitioner research and effects in terms of professional development.
- M2: Professional identities and relationship(s) to work (resp)
- M2: Analysis of professional practices (resp)
- M2: Training trainers through research (resp)
- M1 and M2: Methodology: qualitative approaches
- M1: Sociological approaches to educational science
- L2: Sociology of education
- Search
- MPSI doctoral seminar leader: "Mutations, professionalization, socialization, identities" since 2014.
- Director of the" Mutations en Education et en Formation" collectionat Presses Universitaires de la Méditerranée (PULM) since 2016:
- Co-president of AECSE(Association des Enseignants-Chercheurs en Sciences de l'Education) January 2017-January 2020
- Deputy Director of LIRDEF(Laboratoire Inter disciplinaire de Recherches en Didactique Education et Formation- EA 3749) July 2017-June 2020.
- Elected member of the LIRDEFLaboratoryCouncil from 2015 to 2020
- Elected member (deputy) of the board of the Education scientific department, University of Montpellier from 2016 to 2020.
- PhD referent, LIRDEF EA 3749 (DS 58) from 2015 to 2020.
- At Paul-Valéry University until 2021
- Elected member of the Conseildes Etudes et de la Vie Universitaire(CEVU) and the ConseilAcadémique,Université P. Valéry from March 2016 to December 2020.
- CEVU: elected member of the Disciplinary Commission for teaching staff, the Pedagogical Commission, and the SCUAS (Service Commun Universitaire d'Action Sociale et de Loisirs) Commission.
- Head of the Master's program, Education Sciences, Université Paul-Valéry (accreditation 2015-2021)
- Responsible for the M2 course Analyses et Conception en Education et Formation (ACEF), mention Sciences de l'éducation, Université Paul-Valéry (accreditation 2015-2021): - Responsible for the Diplôme Universitaire : Formateur Intervenant en Formations Individualisées (FIFI) (2014-2016) SUFCO : - Co-director of the Education Sciences department from 2014 to 2016.