After a master's degree in clinical psychology (Rennes 2) and a master's degree in education and training (Paris 8 - IED), I defended my doctoral thesis in anthropology in 2022 at the Sorbonne Nouvelle - UMR Lacito (CNRS-Sorbonne Nouvelle-Inalco). I am currently an ATER in the Department of Education and Training Sciences at the Université Paul Valéry Montpellier 3.
- Interculturality, cultural hybridization, cultural and linguistic minorities
- Oral poetry workshops, writing skills, oral performance
- Multilingualism, language socialization, language didactics
- Popular education, socio-cultural activities, social work, alternative pedagogies
Research field
Reunion Island
- M2 Education and Training Sciences (Université Paul Valéry)
- Linguistic and cultural vulnerabilities in education
- Supervision of research dissertations
- M1 Education and Training Sciences (Université Paul Valéry) :
- Epistemology of educational sciences
- Political and social philosophy
- Study and Research Direction
- M1 Didactique du Français Langue Étrangère (Sorbonne Nouvelle) :
- Anthropology: issues and field
- L3 Education and Training Sciences (Université Paul Valéry) :
- Qualitative research methodology
- L3 Education and Training Sciences (Paris 8 Vincennes - Saint-Denis) :
- Illiteracy in questions
- L3 Professionnelle Sciences de l'Éducation et de la Formation (ÉMAP - Université de La Réunion) :
- Pedagogical approaches and training engineering
- Sociolinguistics and Anthropology of Reunion Island
- L2 Education and Training Sciences (Université Paul Valéry) :
- Psychoanalysis and education
Coordinator (with Camille Vorger) of issue no. 101 of Cahiers de littérature orale on slam (planned - to be published in 2026 by Presses de l'Inalco)
Coordinator (with Martine Morisse and Sébastien Pesce) of issues 67 and 68 of Pratiques de Formation/Analyses L'éducation populaire dans tous ses états". (Volume 1 published in September 2023). Tome 2 to be published in March 2024 by Presses Universitaires de Vincennes).
Member of the editorial board of the journal Pratiques de Formation/Analyses (Université Paris 8, Presses Universitaires de Vincennes)
Member of the organizing committee (with Sandra Bornand, Hermeline Le Doeuff, Cécile Leguy, Daniela Merolla and Katell Morand) for the 14è Congress of theInternational Society for the Oral Literatures of AfricaJuly 5 - 8, 2023, Paris, Inalco.
Member since September 2023 of the UPVM-Lirdef team working group on the COMPAS research project (with Luz Ascarate, Sylvain Connac, Carole Gauthié and Thérèse Pérez-Roux).
Member since June 2023 of the Port-Folio working group (coordinated by Sylvain Connac and Laurent Ferrier).
Member of the working group (coordinated by Mickaël Huchette, Université Paris 13) for the publication of the archives of Pratiques de Formation/Analyses archives (around 1000 articles) on the Persée platform (in progress).
Member ofAECSE - Association des enseignants-e-s et chercheur-e-s en sciences de l'éducation
Member ofARCE (Atelier de Rencontres et de Recherches Comparatives en Ethnologie)