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Eric Maleyrot
Position : Lecturer
Research topics
- Accountability policies in schools
- Professionalization, deprofessionalization, professionalism of teachers/trainers in various sectors (school, arts, para-medical)
- Education and training systems
- Professional identities, professional challenges, professional transitions, changes in the function and professionalism of those involved in teaching, education and training.
- L2 sciences de l'éducation: Sociology of education - Educational policies - French in teaching and education - Pre-professionalization for teaching jobs
- L3 sciences de l'éducation: Pre-professionalization for primary teaching jobs
- M1 education sciences: Management of training organizations and systems - Sociological approaches
- M2 Analysis and design in education and training (ACEF): Training, professionalization and inequalities.
- Coordinator for the 2 Science of Education degree
- Head of teaching, Master 1 Education Sciences
- Coordinator of pre-professional training courses for primary school teachers at Montpellier's Paul Valéry University
- Since October 2016, elected member of the UFR 6 Education and Science board for LLASHS.
- Since January 2017, elected member of the Board of Directors of the Association des enseignants chercheurs en sciences de l'éducation (AECSE).