TFP axis seminar
The second meeting of the TFP axis will take place on Friday October 21 from 2:00 to 4:30 pm in room A 109 of the Faculty of Education. A connection link is available for those unable to attend.
The agenda will be as follows:
- Presentation of Capucine Huet's thesis under the supervision of Sylvie Canat and Manuel Bächtold, entitled "Apprendre à argumenter via le débat numérique sur des Questions Socio-scientifiques : un epace de médiations à fonction transitionnelle pour des adolescents ayant des troubles du comportement. Vers une didactique inclusive? Time: 30 minutes, including questions.
- Work on the theme of "changing professionalities". Based on two supporting texts (Perez-Roux, 2012; and, Bodergat and Buznic-Bourgeacq, 2015), small-group discussions.
- Programming of future sessions.