OTP seminar - LIRDEF, June 2022
The Observatoire de la Transformation Pédagogique (OTP) team at the University of Montpellier, in partnership with LIRDEF, is pleased to invite you to take part in a research seminar this Wednesday, March 16, 5:00-6:30 pm. This seminar, organized by videoconference, welcomes Amélie Duguet (Institut de Recherche en Education, Université de Bourgogne Franche-Comté) to reflect and exchange on the following theme: " Le cours magistral en première année universitaire : de la construction des pratiques d'enseignement à l'analyse de leurs effets sur la scolarité des étudiants " (" Lectures in the first year of university: from the construction of teaching practices to the analysis of their effects on students' schooling ").
The complete program and video recordings of previous conferences and related publications are available on the website:
To be added to the mailing list for these seminars, and to receive links to the seminars, please send a request toàdfe-otp@umontpellier.fr.