Education and socialization, n° 62
The sixty-second issue ofEducation et socialisation, Les Cahiers du CERFEE, has been published. This issue was coordinated by Laurent Filliettaz and Souâd Zaouani-Denoux. It includes a varia dossier and reading notes. The dossier is entitled " Apprendre en situation de travail : développements théoriques, approches méthodologiques et enjeux praxéologiques " (Learning in work situations: theoretical developments, methodological approaches and praxeological issues ) and is organized in three parts: learning in work situations, the mobilization of work situations in vocational training, and learning processes in work-related training systems.
Varia texts deal with resilience (Holly Many), gender-based cyber-violence (Sigolène Couchot-Schiex and Gabrielle Richard), violence in schools in Gabon (Romaric Franck Quentin De Mongaryas and Euloge Bibalou), and teacher training (Amael André, Samuel Hamon, Matthieu Laville and Guillaume Ruelland).
Available online: