SPD Seminar (June 2020)

The next seminar of the SPD axis will take place on June 11 from 2 to 5 pm in room A109. Two presentations will be hosted:

  •  14h-15h30: Lydie Laroque ( EMA, CY Cergy-Paris Uuniversité) and Christine Boutevin (LIRDEF, UM)

Eurolije.eu: online mediation of children's literature

Presentation of theeurolije platform (a project supported by the FDE, UM and INSPE since 2019) from the angle of the articulation between knowledge and practice for a wider audience of students, teachers and mediation professionals (booksellers, librarians, animators, etc.).

  • 3:30 pm - 5 pm: Patricia Richard-Principalli

Presentation of the " School and the Nation" AMI, with particular reference to didactic issues.

A connection link is available for remote access (check with the laboratory secretariat).