The subject at work

Front cover of the bookCaroline Blanvillain announces the publication of the bookThe subject at work. The text on the 4th cover presents it as follows: "The crisis situation we're living through gives us reason to fear or hope for profound change. It is also one of words and images. And if the boundaries of the work of art are not clearly defined, neither are those of the subject. Its boundaries are malleable, dependent on the external landscapes it is constantly rubbing up against. It is a subject on the move in an ever faster, more efficient, more financialized society. However, the restlessness that inhabits it does not originate solely in an economically-driven societal universe. Aesthetic, natural and meditative spaces and objects also have an influence. Whether creator or spectator, the subject is confronted with the work of art. The arts and literature are called upon to reflect on the subject's relationship to his or her identity and to the world. How do the arts contribute to the construction of the subject? How does the encounter with a work of art affect identity? How is the subject "at work" when he encounters or creates artworks?"

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