Didactic Rendezvous: Research, dialogue and more...

logo RdVDID conferenceThe Laboratoire de Didactique André Revuz organizes a symposium May 30 to June 3, 2022 title : Didactic Rendezvous: Research, dialogue and more... 

The lines between different didactics are moving, theoretical frameworks are circulating, new questions and new research objects are emerging, requiring plural didactic approaches. This "Rendez-vous en didactique" is a unique opportunity to compare approaches and project the mathematics and natural science didactics research communities towards new scientific horizons.

The colloquium will be structured around the LDAR's six scientific themes: teacher practices and training, semiotic and language approaches, uses of digital technologies, didactic approaches to assessment, design and use of resources, research-training-teaching transpositions.

For more information, visit the dedicated page: https: //www.ldar.website/colloque-ldar

Call for oral and poster presentations: April 2021