TIPA, n° 36
Brahim Azaoui (Lirdef) and Marion Tellier (Lpl) announce the publication of issue no. 36 of TIPA - Travaux interdisciplinaires sur la parole et le langage - on the theme:Comment le corps coconstruit les discours et le sens. The aim of this issue is to highlight the need to take account of gestural, bodily and, more generally, multimodal phenomena in the study of interactions and learning. Various fields of study are considered: online exchanges, hospital and school contexts, in France and abroad. Several theoretical frameworks are represented: enaction, conversational analysis and gesture studies.
This issue is dedicated to Dominique Boutet, MCF HDR from the University of Rouen, who was killed by Covid 19 last spring. An article written by Aliyah Morgenstern in his honor bears witness to the work of this pioneering and versatile gesturalist. To access the publication, click on the following link: https: //journals.openedition.org/tipa/3453