LéA - IFÉ-ENS: call for projects for the 2021 academic year

The Réseau deslieuxd'éducation associés à l'IFÉ-ENS de Lyon, a network for collaborative research in education, is launching a call for projects for the start of the 2021 academic year. Teams made up of practitioners and researchers wishing to collaborate, can submit an application beforeFebruary26, 2021.

The call for projects and the application form can be downloaded athttp://ife.ens-lyon.fr/lea/le-reseau/devenir-un-lea.

For further information, visit the LéA website athttp://ife.ens-lyon.fr/lealeor the LéA blogat http://reseaulea.hypotheses.org/ou. For further information, contactsuivantelea.ife@ens-lyon.fr.