PAUSE program
National Program for the Emergency Reception of Scientists in Exile (PAUSE)
The PAUSE program is a national program providing incentive funding to research organizations and higher education and research establishments planning to host a scientist at risk forced into exile. These grants may be renewed once, or even twice for PhD students, following a new assessment process.
As part of the measures adopted by the program in the context of the health crisis linked to Covid-19, host establishments have, exceptionally, the possibility of submitting a renewal application for a 3rd year (or a 4th year for PhD students). It should be noted that this measure is only applicable to program graduates in post on March 17, 2020. These requests will be examined on a case-by-case basis in accordance with the regular evaluation procedure in force. They must be precisely justified in a letter signed by the director of the host laboratory and attached to the application file.
The deadline for this call is October 02, 2020.