Research assistance Occitanie Region

2019-2020 calendar of research support schemes implemented by the Service Innovation et Partenariat de Valorisation, in application of the Schéma Régional de l'Enseignement Supérieur, de la Recherche et de l'Innovation 2017-2021.

These schemes are designed to support projects run by higher education and/or research establishments in the Occitanie region. Details of how to take part, and useful contacts for each scheme, can be found on the Region's web pages listed below:

Device Opening Fence Consultation link
PRIME 15/11/2019 29/05/2020* Prime call for projects
GRAIN 02/12/2019 04/09/2020* Graine call for projects
PILE-CIFRE Au fil de l'eau
Since 03/04/2017
call for PC projects
REFERENCE Repère call for projects

*Report announced March 25, 2020


Service Soutien à l'Innovation et aux Partenariats de Valorisation
Direction de la Recherche, du Transfert technologique et de l'Enseignement Supérieur



Tel.: 05 61 33 51 37




Tel.: 04 34 35 77 38