Doctoral Poster Prize - Printemps de la recherche en éducation 2019
As part of the 2019 doctoral poster prize to be awarded at the 5th Printemps de la Recherche en Education (March 26 and 27, 2019), please find attached, for your information and widest possible distribution, the "Doctoral Poster Prize" call for posters organized by the Réseau National des ÉSPÉ and the DGESIP.
The aim of the poster presentation at this colloquium organized by the Réseau national des ÉSPÉ is to promote research into educational issues.
This call for papers is open to doctoral students and young PhDs (having defended their thesis after January 1, 2017) who are involved in research in education and on education and/or whose work is relevant to the school environment, from kindergarten to university.
During this 5th edition, two poster prizes will be awarded:
- One of the prizes will focus on the specific theme of the "read-write-calculate" symposium.
- The other prize will be awarded for any other research that can shed light on issues of teaching, learning and teacher training.
Poster proposals should be sent by e-mail, in Word format,
Call for posters 5th Printemps de la Recherche 2019
Communications Officer
Réseau national des ÉSPÉ
Maison des Universités
103, boulevard Saint-Michel
75005 Paris
Direct line: 01 44 32 90 67 | Secretariat: 01 44 32 91 87