LINSEC international symposium

Call for papers for the LINSEC International Colloquium to be held onJune13and 14, 2019atthe Maison Méditerranéenne des Sciences de l'Homme in Aix-en-Provence:

The growing importance of digital technologies in all social spheres not only leads us to integrate their contributions into the social and cultural practices we analyze, but also to question the way in which educational, cultural and artistic institutions are seizing these new objects. The aim of this symposium is to shed light on these themes, to help situate these practices, whether they be active, hybrid, differentiated or collaborative, and to better grasp the issues related to digital literacy, i.e. all scripting and reading techniques and practices, whatever the social, educational, cultural or artistic space in which they are exercised. Proposals for papers must fall within one of the following thematic areas
Axe 1: Digital literacy and education;
Axe 2: Reading practices, scriptural practices and digital literacy;
Axe 3: Cultural practices today and digital literacy;
Axe 4: Digital literacy: a sociological object?

-How to submit:

Proposals for papers, of 5000 characters maximum, in Word or RTF format, should be sent to the following
They should be accompanied by a paper title, 3 to 5 keywords, and include a short bibliography of the author (name, affiliation, e-mail, telephone, address, five publications maximum).
Proposals will be anonymized and examined in double blind.

-Calendar of events:

The deadline for submitting proposals is February 15, 2019.
The scientific committee's opinions will be sent to authors on March 15, 2019.

Conference website: