Education and socialization, n° 49

TheÉducation& Socialisationmagazine teamispleased to announce the publication of issue 49(link), with a special report onneuroscience and education, coordinated by Pascale Toscani and Sylvain Connac.
TheÉducationet socialisation. Les Cahiers du CERFEE is an educational science journal that publishes articles and notes de lecture. Issues can be thematic or combine varia.
The editorial board determines the content of issues and announces them at least two years in advance. A call for contributions is issued for each issue, and a coordinator (or coordinators) is entrusted with its follow-up.
Articles and notes de lecture are in line with the editorial line set by the editorial board.
The scientific quality of the journal's content is guaranteed by an international reading committee working under double anonymity according to the rules drawn up by the scientific community.