How to submit a paper for the IEEI conference?
Submission deadline extended to January 3, 2021 (updated)
- Papers will highlight work involvingimprovisation inrelation to various professional worlds, provided that their results or discussions shed light on the world of teaching, training or coaching and/or that of learning or development. Or that they re-interrogate them. More specifically, they will fall into one of the following categories:
Based on theoretical, empirical or technological research, papers presented in this section will propose results and discussions that highlight the fact that the mobilization of the notion ofimprovisation and/orthe study of its practice correspond to specific (and assumed) ethical and/or political biases.
- AXIS Praxis
Based on theoretical, empirical or technological research, papers in this axis will enrich our understanding of individual or collectiveimprovisation activities and practices, and the cognitive processes involved inimprovisation(with possible links to other concepts, such as imagination, creation, intuition and abduction).
- AXIS Praxis
- Identities and professionalization
Theoretical, empirical or technological research, the papers presented in this section will link issues concerningprofessionalization and work, to those of personal development, professional development and professionalization.
- Identities and professionalization
- Languages
Papers and presentations may be submitted in English or French.