ETPA Interuniversity Seminar Teaching Contemporary Theater and Poetry

Interuniversity Poetry Theater Seminar ETPA

    Since January 2017, an inter-university seminar "ETPA - Enseigner le Théâtre et la Poésie d'Aujourd'hui" has been in place. It involves three research teams with didactic perspectives: UMR LITT&ARTS CNRS (LITEXTRA), Université Grenoble Alpes, EA CELLAM, Université Rennes 2 and LIRDEF/ALFA, Université de Montpellier. In 2017, three seminar sessions (one at each partner university) feature expert speakers (academics and artists), and one workshop is run with in-service teachers. The session organized in Montpellier focuses on the question of hybridity in poetry and theater today in relation to its teaching.

    Scientific and organizing committee:
    - Jean-François Massol (PU - Université de Grenoble Alpes)
    - Marie Bernanoce (PU - Université de Grenoble Alpes)
    - Nathalie Rannou (MCF - Université de Rennes 2)
    - Christine Boutevin (MCF - Faculté d'éducation de Montpellier)
    - Sandrine Bazile (MCF - Faculté d'éducation de Montpellier)
    - Catherine Dupuy (MCF - Faculté d'éducation de Montpellier)

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Researchers involved

Project leader at LIRDEF (ALFA) :Christine Boutevin

Researchers involved at LIRDEF (ALFA):Sandrine Bazile,Catherine Dupuy


The ETPA seminar aims to develop the conditions for a renewed didactic approach to poetic and theatrical genres, by drawing on contemporary production, equipping ourselves with tried and tested concepts, bringing practitioners and researchers together in dialogue, and testing devices.


Journée d'étude du 19 actobre 2017 à l'ENS-IFÉ, Lyon: "Approches de la littérature dans le secondaire à l'heure du renouvèlement des programmes" (Approaches to literature in secondary schools at a time of renewed curricula).

PELAS study day program