William Larosa
Research topics
My research interests lie in the field of adult education and training engineering. I'm particularly interested in the "singular" research fields of partnership approaches between actors from different cultures and statuses.
- Enactive analysis of the activity of players (PEs and various partners from the French Ministry of Education) involved in various collaborative actions in PHE, health and sustainable development.
- Adapting the course-of-action method to the study of knowledge
- Empirical studies and theoretical reflection on the processes of professionalization, skills development and the construction of professional identity, in human relations professions (social work, healthcare, education, training).
- Training and support for the development of training engineering projects
- Research methodology and activity analysis: Master MEEF, and continuing education for PEs
- Didactics and general pedagogy (CM & TD)
- Designing (and analyzing) teaching/learning situations in primary schools (M2, Admis and PE)
- Support for trainees, permanent staff and partners:
- Supervision of research dissertations (1st and 2nd grades)
- Preparation for the oral exams for the PE competitive entrance exams, oral exam simulations for the CRPE, CAFIPEMF, Master Meef 1 and 2.
- Physical Education and Sports Pedagogical Advisor in the Grenoble academy, attached to the Ardèche department
- Associate trainer at CREPS Rhône-Alpes
- Tutor for M2 dissertations, CAFIPEMF and internships for trainee teachers (PES - M2)
- Participation in the assessment of various players through competitive examination juries (PE and Brevet Professionnel)