Stéphane Soulaine
Specialities: Didactics of languages - English - Movement studies and performing arts
Research topics
Key words: oral English - didactics - enaction - languages - artistic practice
- Body-based approach to learning spoken English with school and secondary school students, and in training future teachers
- Raising awareness of spoken English through a kindergarten art project
- Body-based approach to learning spoken English with school and secondary school students, and in cultural training for future teachers
- Didactics of English, interlanguage didactics: 1st and 2nd degree Master's students
- Didactics of performing arts, dance and theater: TU interdisciplinary projects (M1 and M2)
- Introduction to language didactics: TU pre-professionalization, undergraduates
- M1, M2, 1st and 2nd degree research seminars: research methodology in human sciences, enactive approach to language learning
- Head of Language Department, ESPE Languedoc Roussillon