Karine Bernad
Senior Lecturer
Research topics
My research work is in the field of mathematics didactics.
- A study of teaching practices that are useful for the practice of the teaching profession, with a view to developing teaching that takes into account the collective dimension of the study of an issue through research.
- Study of the implementation of research training for the initial training of future school teachers and the effects on student practices.
- Analysis of processes at play in collaborative research involving researchers and teachers, more specifically: study of conditions facilitating the co-construction of knowledge, study of theoretical and methodological means for identifying and interpreting traces of teachers' professional development.
- Initial training in mathematics didactics in L3 Licence Pluridisciplinaire and M2 MEEF1erdegré.
- Research training in M1 and M2, supervision of Master MEEF1erdegréand Master MEEF Mathématiques 2edegrédissertations.
- Lecture forTU Didactics and Epistemology in Master MEEF Mathématiques 2edegré, on "Grandeurs et mesure".
- Lecture for a reading seminar as part of the Master Didactique Des Sciences offered by the FDS.
- Local coordinator (Montpellier site) of TU (S 5&6), "Vers une maîtrise des savoirs disciplinaires et de leur didactique", in mathematics and mathematics didactics, in L3.
- Member of the steering committee of the "Lieu d'éducation Associé" (LéA) at IFé-ENS Lyon.
- Co-leader of a LéA at IFé-Ens de Lyon, LéA Mathématisation de Problèmes Concrets en Vidéos.
- Co-supervisor of a research project, as part of the 4th call for projects by the Montpellier academy's INSPE "Articulation Recherche/Formation/Terrain", Accompagner les pratiques débutantes au développement d'une approche didactique.