Eléda ROBO

Position: Senior Lecturer in Didactics of Mathematics

Research topics

My research focuses on the didactics of mathematics, and mainly on teaching practices in primary education. I examine the influence of socio-cultural and linguistic contexts in teaching-learning situations, their impact on teaching practices and their effects on learning. The aim is to study the relationships between contexts, learning and teaching. To this end, I am developing a PCK Context model(Pedagogical Content Knowledge Context) to identify, through teachers' professional knowledge/beliefs, how different contexts are taken into account. At the crossroads of mathematics and anthropology, I am also interested in ethnomathematics through the development of contextualized didactics in the field of geometry more specifically.

General themes :

  • Didactics of mathematics
  • Teaching practices
  • Relationships between contexts, teaching and learning
  • Pedagogical Content Knowledge (PCK)
  • Ethnomathematics
  • Professional development


I teach mathematics (disciplinary and didactic) in the Licence Pluridisciplinaire, in L1 in theTU "Au croisement des disciplines maths et sciences", and in L3 in theTU "mathématiques". I am also involved in the Master MEEF 1er degré program, providing research training, dissertation supervision, internship follow-up and oral simulations as part of the preparation for the CRPE competitive examination for schoolteachers.


Lecturer and researcher associated with the CRREF(Centre de Recherches et de Ressources en Education et Formation) and EASTCO(Equipe d'Accueil Sociétés Traditionnelles et Contemporaines en Océanie) laboratories.