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Damien Djaouti
Senior Lecturer
Research topics
- Design and use of video games for purposes other than entertainment (Serious Games): education, communication, health, politics, art...
- Study and development of theoretical tools and software to facilitate the creation of video games.
- History of video games.
- Master MEEF (University of Montpellier - Faculty of Education): C2i2e, digital tools for education, project-based learning, use of Serious Games for teaching.
- Master IMAGINA (University of Montpellier - IT Department): Serious Games design and production, Game Design.
- Licence Arts-Plastiques / Arts Appliqués (Montpellier Paul Valéry University): History and culture of video games, Game Design.
- In charge of the ICTE project for the Faculty of Education - University of Montpellier
- Member of the Digital Committee of the University of Montpellier
- Responsible for the 4 TU/ECUE courses dedicated to "digital" in the Master MEEF program at the Faculty of Education - University of Montpellier.