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Clément Barniaudy
Senior Lecturer in Geography
Research topics
- Environmental humanities
- Theories and practices of Care
- A phenomenological, sensitive and narrative approach to experience
- Education in the care of geographical environments
- Transformative education, ethical and socio-emotional education
- Epistemology and didactics of geography, cultural geography, environmental geography
- Didactics of the humanities (Master PIF DIDHUM, FDE 34 UM)
- Didactics and epistemology of geography (Master MEEF 2nd degree HG, FDE 34 UM & UPVM)
- Disciplinary knowledge in geography (Master MEEF 2nd degré PLP EG, FDE 34 UM)
- Thematic Research Community (CRT) "Emotions and Learning" (TU research, Master MEEF 1er degré, FDE 34 UM)
- Assistance with the construction and writing of dissertations (TU recherche, Master MEEF 2nd degré parcours HG, FDE UM & UPVM)
- Co-director of NOTOS magazine
- Founding member of GIS TEPCARE (Groupement d'intérêt scientifique 'Théories et pratiques du care')
- Co-Leader of theECONARRATIVE project-team (MSH SUD, 2021-22)
- Coordinator of the Master MEEF 2nd degree in History and Geography for the Faculty of Education (INSPE, UM Montpellier)
- Co-Head of the History and Geography Department, Faculty of Education, University of Montpellier