Catherine Dupuy


Research topics

Keywords: French didactics, language communication, didactic interactions, artistic practices

Research objects:

  • Focus 1. Reading, writing, speaking and inequalities at school
  • Focus 2. Professionalizing teachers: professional didactic gestures and real-life practices
  • Area 3. Methods for investigating training activities and situations


  • Professional support for initial and continuing training
  • Supervision of PE/PLC/PLP Master's theses, oral citizenship, teaching theater and poetry, children's literature
  • Didactics of performing arts, dance and theater: TU interdisciplinary projects (M1 and M2)
  • Professional gestures: language activity from nursery school to university


  • Elected member of the LIRDEF Board
  • Member of the editorial board of Le français aujourd'hui magazine
  • Theater certification for teachers, Middle and high school theater