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Caroline Blanvillain
Research topics
- Seeing, saying, doing: broadening the fundamentals. L'épreuve/les preuves de l'art: the plastic and visual arts as a link within the subject and at the heart of society, psychosocial issues in arts education.
- The role of the plastic and visual arts in the construction of the student-subject and the teacher-subject, notably through the creative process, plastic and/or professional practice, and encounters with the work of art.
- The research method: principles and challenges for students and trainee civil servants
- In charge of TU the first (M1) and second (M2) years of the Master MEEF 1e degré, as well as TU the Master's introduction to research and supervision of Master's theses.
- Takes charge of teaching in the TU professional courses of the Fine Arts stream of the second degree of the Master MEEF and supervises the Master's theses.
- ICTE teaching integrated into TU
- Coordination of FDE activities for the Master MEEF course in visual arts, in liaison with colleagues at Montpellier 3 University
- In charge of developing partnerships with national education employers.