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Aurélie Zwang
Position: Senior Lecturer in Education and Training Sciences
Research topics
- Research topics under development
- "Class outside": educational, partnership and professional issues
- Issues and processes of participatory action research for environmental education
- Research topics developed
- Education and museology of the environment and ecological sciences
- Educational tools and media, including digital, in life and environmental sciences education
- M1 and M2 MEEF Life and Earth Sciences: Epistemology and didactics of life and ecological sciences
- M1 and M2 Didactics of Sciences: Didactics of life sciences and ecological sciences
- M1 and M2 Environmental Management BioDIvCom course: Environmental education and museology
- M1 and M2 Didactics of Science: Scientific and technical mediation
- M1 and M2 DDS: Research methodologies in didactics and science mediation
- M1 MEEF Biotechnology: Introduction to educational research
- M1 DDS: Theoretical frameworks for resource integration in education
- L3 Biology Ecology: Epistemology of life and ecological sciences
- L2 Earth Water Environment education pathway: Introduction to education careers
- L1 Life Sciences: Cell Biology
- Head of Master 1 in didactics of experimental sciences and mathematics
- Coordinator of the IRES Life and Earth Sciences Group
- 2019-2023: Member of the steering committee for the participatory action-research project "Growing up with nature" - ECRIN (Etudes Critiques et Recherche sur les Interactions Formrices avec la Nature)
- 2023-2027: Scientific leader of task 3 of the ACACIA project (Adapting to Cities And Climate change In interAction) coordinated by Anne Charmantier (DR at CEFE).
- Member of the Scientific Committee of the magazine Éducation relative à l'environnement : Regards - Recherches - Réflexions
- Member of the Cahiers pédagogiques editorial board