Aurélie Chesnais
University Professor

Research topics
My research focuses on the didactics of mathematics.
- practices of secondary school mathematics teachers, their determinants and effects on student learning
- the construction of educational inequalities in relation to social inequalities
- interdisciplinary research in mathematics and physics, particularly on the question of measurement
- the role of language in teaching and learning mathematics
- the professional development of teachers, particularly in the context of collaborative arrangements between researchers and teachers.
- Master MEEF second degree mathematics (mathematics didactics, internship support, dissertation supervision)
- DIU for secondary school mathematics teachers
- Master Didactics of Science (DDS)
- Master PIF- Knowledge, Learning, Training, Identity, Research (SAFIR)
- Steering of the IREM "Didactics" group Continuing education for primary and secondary school teachers.
- Co-responsible for the master MEEF-second degré Mathématiques and the DIU Mathématiques
- Co-responsible for the SAFIR course in the PIF master's program
- Deputy Head of the Mathematics Department at the Faculty of Education.