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Aldo Gennaï
Research topics
- Didactics of literature, with particular emphasis on heritage works
- Nature and characterization of the heritage object and its challenges
- Didactic systems for reading and studying heritage texts in the classroom, including the secondary semiotic objects they generate
- Master MEEF, majoring in primary education: classes and lectures in French language and literature and French didactics
- Professional support for the internship: didactic input for the design and analysis of teaching/learning situations in French, support for interns, classroom visits
- Research training: co-directing a thematic research community, supervising dissertations, defenses
- Local coordinator (Nîmes site) for TU "Acquir des savoirs fondamentaux en français" (sem. 1) and "Maitriser les savoirs fondamentaux pour enseigner le français" (sem. 2).