Agnès Perrin-Doucey

Position : Lecturer

Research topics

  • Literature and the didactics of literature: subject-reader, reader's text, literary reading practices from school to lycée (LINUM and PELAS projects)
  • Literature and the didactics of learning to read: literary training for the apprentice reader
  • Children's literature and digital schooling
  • Literature, thought development, moral and civic education, secularism and citizenship


  • Initial and continuing training in the didactics of French and literature for PE/ PLC/PLP
  • Preparation for the CRPE (didactics of literature), CAPLP (methodology of commentary, explanation of texts, literary history) and CAPES (literature and cinema).
  • Supervision of PE/PLC/PLP master's theses: literature and self-construction, reader training, the reader as subject, subjective and analytical reading, literature and secularity, citizenship training, moral and civic education.


  • Head of the Literature Department, Faculty of Education - University of Montpellier
  • Secularism referent ESPE LR
  • Head of the LINUM project: "Dire, lire, écrire avec la LIttérature et le NUMérique".