Internal information
Call for Lirdef 2020 funding
Votre (ou vos) fiche(s) complétée(s) doit(oivent) être retournée(s) le plus rapidement possible et au plus tard le 27/11 à 23h55 auprès de l’équipe de direction et du secrétariat [« lirdef-secretariat » <>].___________
Calls for projects launched by the Occitanie Region, in application of the Schéma Régional de l'Enseignement Supérieur, de la Recherche et de l'Innovation:
DEVICE | Opening | Fence | Link |
PILE-CIFRE | Since 03/04/2017 | As the water flows | Find out more about the PILE-CIFRE scheme |
REFERENCE | Since 03/04/2017 | As the water flows | See the REPERE system |
If you would like to submit a project under one of these schemes, please inform the Project Engineering and Support Department of the Innovation and Partnership Division (DIPA), which will be happy to help you set up your project.
Typhanie ROY
Project Manager (Region Occitanie, ERDF, INTERREG, PIA, ERASMUS +)
Service Ingénierie et Accompagnement de Projets
Direction de l'Innovation et des Partenariats
Tél : 04 67 14 31 01
Occitanie Region's "Allocations Doctorales 2020" call for projects
The Occitanie Region is proposing co-financing with the project's lead institution (UM3). The timetable is as follows:
- November 21, 2019 morning: deadline for project sponsors (thesis directors only) to submit their projects to the innovation department(
- November 22, 2019, 9:30 am at DINN: meeting to present the projects written by the project sponsors.
- December 12, 2019: final return of corrections by the project sponsors to DINN(
- December 17 and 19, 2019: pre-selection of projects by the boards of directorsDS
- January 14, 2020: selection of projects by the restricted scientific council.
You will find all the details of this call for projects at the link below: