Study day
From infancy to school age: acquisition, learning and integration
Wednesday, June 13, 2018 from 9 a.m. to 5:30 p.m.
Faculté d'Éducation - site de Montpellier, amphi H
Since 1995-2000, and even more so since 2013-2015, there has been talk of a school that is both demanding and caring. While it's easy to see a convergence of views on these issues within the education and training professions, this dual orientation deserves to be questioned in the light of both actual practices and the contributions of research.
Insofar as, as Delahaye (2015) reminds us for the French sector, it's important to engage pedagogical approaches "based on both requirement and benevolence, and which make pupils succeed by relying more on cooperation and solidarity than on competition", this Day will focus on the ways in which this commitment is materializing in different regions, particularly as regards the transition from pre-school to school.
In addition to presenting the Passerelle program in the Académie de Montpellier, as well as similar initiatives in Quebec, at the Institut Freinet de Vence and in other contexts, this day aims to give a concrete, but also documented, outline to this joint order from the population and the institution. It will also be an opportunity to look back at what this implies in terms of cooperation, through both "alternative" and ordinary pedagogies.
The event is organized by LIRDEF, Collectif CLÉ (Quebec) and the Faculty of Education at the University of Montpellier, in partnership with MAIF and MGEN.