Exhibition and conference "Seeing and showing war today

A scientific and artistic event organized by the Faculty of Education, University of Montpellier, in collaboration with the FRAC, the LAC, the Samira Gambie gallery, and with the support of the Occitanie Region and the DRAC Occitanie.


About the theme

In the 21stcentury, war is here and there, everywhere and all the time. Images are an inescapable vector. This academic event is devoted to questions of representation and reception of works and images depicting war. It will explore the relationships and tensions that images and people have with war. Questions of subject, creation, production, distribution and education will be addressed.

On the one hand, as part of a symposium, we have chosen to examine contemporary images of war(s), in the broadest sense of the term, as part of a multi-disciplinary and interdisciplinary process of reflection that is at once theoretical, artistic and didactic, in conjunction with image education and artistic and cultural education. This scientific event explores the relationships and tensions that images and people have with war. The questions of subject, creation, production, distribution and education must be addressed.

On the other hand, a collective exhibition of works and images is an important part of this reflection on representations of war. Indeed, the works are forms of thought in action and images. The exhibition is thus conceived as a place for reflection and discovery, confrontation and dialogue.

The theme is addressed in a variety of ways: university lectures, talks by artists and journalists, practical art workshops and exhibitions by photojournalists, artists, philosophers, academics, curators and doctoral students.

Symposium presentation


Catherine Cattaruzza, artist photographer
Frédéric Lambert, university lecturer in information and communication sciences
Julien Martinez, performance artist
François Soulages, philosopher, university lecturer in aesthetics
Laurent Van der Stockt, photojournalist
Marion Zilio, curator, critic


University students.
Pedagogical advisors,1st and2ndgrade teacher trainers (PEMF, PFA), teacher-researchers, schoolteachers, secondary school teachers, etc.
Réseau Canopé staff, IEN, IA-IPR, DAAC, etc.
Artists, cultural professionals, art students.


Poster for the Voir/montrer la guerre conference


Interview with L. Van der Stockt, photojournalist (Visa d'or Paris Match News 2017, Festival international du photojournalisme,Visa pour l'image, Perpignan), moderated by Y. Soulé.


F. Soulages,The image of a war: a representation without presence


C. Boutevin & G. Plissonneau,Animated films and war poems by G. Apollinaire


Closing address by Yves Soulé