Curriculum and ODD symposium - MONTPELLIER 2018
LIRDEF organizes the symposium
[gdlr_styled_box content_color="#34495e " background_color="#e0e0e0″ corner_color="#c0c0c0″]What curriculum(s) for the Sustainable Development Goals?
North/South dialogues for thinking about education in theAnthropocene[/fusion_content_box][/fusion_content_boxes]
MONTPELLIER April 5 and 6, 2018
[gdlr_styled_box content_color="#f61313″ background_color="#ecf0f1″ corner_color="#748d9a "]Program /// Workshops ///
[gdlr_styled_box content_color="#118e13″ background_color="#ecf0f1″ corner_color="#748d9a "]Registrations ///Hotels[/fusion_content_box][/fusion_content_boxes]
[gdlr_styled_box content_color="#810891″ background_color="#ecf0f1″ corner_color="#748d9a "]///Serendre à la FDE ///[/fusion_content_box][/fusion_content_boxes]
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At a time when education systems, both formal and non-formal, are mobilizing for the release of UNESCO's new "Education 2030" roadmap centered on the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), it's vital that we also mobilize as a community of educational researchers. The seventeen goals defined by the United Nations cover the whole range of what is known in the French-speaking community as "educations à". The educational implementation of these 17 objectives is in itself a major challenge for the world of education: is it a question of creating ex novo as many new paths or systems? Is it a matter of integrating these objectives into existing curricula? Is it a question of recomposing curricula around the SDGs? Finally, is it a new educational utopia, a heterotopia (in Durkheim's sense) or a neoliberal normalizing goal? How can they be applied to different geopolitical and cultural spheres, in the North and South? This colloquium aims to debate these questions from a critical and scientific perspective.