AREF Congress 2013
The AREF (Actualité de la Recherche en Éducation et en Formation) international conference is the result of a partnership between AECSE (Association des Enseignants et des Chercheurs en Sciences de l'Éducation), SSRE (Société Suisse pour la Recherche en Éducation) and ABC-Educ (Association Belge francophone des Chercheurs en Education). The 2013 edition was hosted by the Laboratoire de Recherche en Didactique, Éducation et Formation (LIRDEF), with the support of the Montpellier 3 Department of Educational Sciences and the Montpellier IUFM.
Organizing partners and institutions
- LIRDEF (Interdisciplinary Research Laboratory in Didactics, Education and Training)
- AECSE (Association des Enseignants et Chercheurs en Sciences de l'Éducation)
- ABC-Educ (Assocation Belge francophone des Chercheurs en Education)
- SSRE (Swiss Society for Educational Research)
- UNSECO Chair, ENS de Lyon "Training Teachers for the 21st Century".
- Department of Educational Sciences, Université Paul Valéry de Montpellier
The reading committee is chaired by Geneviève Zoïa
Steering Committee
- Richard Étienne, President LIRDEF-UM3
- Jean-Charles Chabanne Director, LIRDEF
- Marie-Christine Presse, AECSE
- Yvan Abernot, AECSE
- Nassira Hedjerassi, AECSE
- Luc Ria IFÉ-ENS, UNESCO Chair
- Pascal Roquet, AECSE
- Annick Fagnant, ABC-Educ
- ABC-Educ
Congress organizing committee
- Céline Avenel
- Sophie Baconnet
- Loïc Braïda
- Alain Bronner
- Dominique Bucheton
- Jean-Charles Chabanne
- Sylvain Connac
- Damien Djaouti
- Souâd Denoux
- Richard Étienne (coordinator)
- Jacqueline Fontaine
- Christine Fontanini
- Muriel Guedj
- Pierre Hébrard
- Thibaud Hulin
- Alain Jean
- Serge Leblanc
- Roger Monjo
- Valérie Munier
- Pascal Roquet
- Sylvain Wagnon
- Geneviève Zoïa