Hélène Hagège

Position: University Professor, Associate Researcher

Research topics

Education for responsibility, where health is seen as a means to an ethical end, meditation in public schools, prevention of violent radicalization, and psychosocial skills training for relationship professionals (teachers, doctors, etc.).


As a humanities teacher at the Faculty of Science, I teach communication techniques for scientists (L1 and L2 CMI), the psychology of learning (L2), education for responsibility (L1), as well as an introduction to meditation (L2 general culture), epistemology and didactics of science (L3) to introduce students to the teaching profession, and courses on emotional regulation and the role of the body in "education for" (M2 ESEC).


  • FrED laboratory management
  • Head of the "Training practice and engineering" section of the Master 2 MEEF.


Hélène Hagège


University of Montpellier
Faculty of Education
2, place Marcel Godechot
34092 Montpellier Cédex 5