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Christine Boutevin
Research topics
- Reading/writing literature through the issue of the reader/writer in teaching, from kindergarten to university.
- Children's literature: poetry, albums, text-image, digital applications
- Mediating children's literature: authors, in partnership with the school
- Multidisciplinary license: writing and literature workshops
- Master MEEF 1e et 2d degré Lettres: research seminars in children's literature and literature didactics
- Master's degree in artistic and cultural mediation (MAC): writing workshops, museum mediation, research
- Member of CNU 9th section
- Academic coordinator of TU undergraduate writing workshops
- Responsible for TU "professional dimensions" at MAC
- Co-director of Carnets de Poédiles magazine: https: //carnets-poediles.pergola-publications.fr/
- Director of the PUB "Etudes sur le livre de jeunesse" collection
- Member of the eurolije network (Mediation of children's books in Europe): https: //eurolije.hypotheses.org/